Angelo Feo was born on July 18th, 1931 in San Mauro Cilento. He feels great nostalgia for the past. The main occupation of the people of Cilento was “working the land”, an expression that, listening to his words, could be translated with helping each other, living slowly and maintaining the knowledge and traditions of previous generations.

Talking about his youth, Angelo remembers cakes with cream and homemade chocolate, pasta with meat sauce, roasted pasta over an open fire of coals that marked the festive times, pasta and beans – the ordinary dish of his childhood – homemade bread and cavatielli prepared in the house by his wife. This is what he calls the “golden age” of his existence because at the time, kindness was the predominant social behavior code.

Since then, the Angelo’s diet does not seem to have changed much: he cannot give up fruit. He avoids all that he considers harmful: spirits, wine and coffee. At Lunch, pasta and beans is still a presence. Just as pasta with meat sauce on Sunday, the only regret is that now it is often bought instead of being made at home.

His most beloved food are argentini, small fish that he consumed joyfully with his wife, who died not long ago, he remembers her and his heart gets warmer, leaving a look of sadness on his beautiful face marked by time. Proving that the food is not only fuel for the body, but also symbolizes relationships and feelings.

Interview by: Antonio Puzzi and Rossella Galletti
Video by: Rossella Galletti and Antonio Puzzi. Editing by: Annalisa Rascato
Subtitles by: Antonio Puzzi and Rossella Galletti
Document by: Rossella Galletti
Translate by: Francesca Magnani and Rossella Galletti
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Created: 12-07-2019
Angelo Feo

Angelo Feo

Year: 1931
City: San Mauro Cilento (SA)
Profession: Breeder and Grower
Language: Italian, Cilentano dialect

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