Gianluca is 10 years old and lives in San Mauro Cilento. In his daily life there are the vegetable garden, where he learned to plant onions, salads, tomatoes, and other typical products of the Cilento land, and the awareness, passed on to him by his grandparents and parents, that food has value: instead of throwing away the leftovers lunch, save them for dinner or the next day. Cilento pizza is undoubtedly his favorite dish!

Interiew by: Istituto Comprensivo Statale G. Patroni
Video by: Istituto Comprensivo Statale G. Patroni
Document by: Rossella Galletti
Subtitle ita/eng by: Rossella Galletti
Translation by: Rossella Galletti
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Realized: 11/2022