The Mediterranean Diet confirms a positive trend gourmet Christmas on the boards of South and also on the Neapolitan crib. This is demonstrated by the first step of a field research conducted by MedEatResearch (Centre for Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet) of University Suor Orsola Benincasa. The group of researchers led by Prof. Marino Niola and Prof. Elisabetta Moro, has produced a eat-parade of foods consumed during the holiday season in Campania and of those most represented on the crib, the quintessential symbol of Christmas in Naples and Campania. The first results show, among other things, that the Mediterranean diet, in 2010 declared Intangible Heritage by UNESCO, the increasingly becoming a true lifestyle, to the point of directing, modifying partially dining options related to ancient traditions. Some words have not been translated in the subtitles because they indicate typical Neapolitan tradition: Papacelle: are a type of pickled peppers tones that are used in Christmas recipes as “Insalata di rinforzo”. Insalata di rinforzo: salad that accompanies the dishes during the dinner of Christmas Eve, made with boiled cauliflower, green olives, papacelle, gherkins, onions, pickles vegetables, salted anchovies. It was believed that the dinner had to be reinforced with this salad. Acquasale: Cilento dish made with whole grain bread, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt, basil.