This interview tells the story of chef Caterina Ceraudo, which began on her father’s farm. Caterina was born in Crotone in 1987 and attended scientific high school before embarking on a university course that led her to a degree in enology in Pisa. After returning home, together with her brothers Giuseppe and Susy, she decided to take over the reins of her father’s farm. Since 2013, Caterina has been running the Dattilo restaurant in Strongoli, focusing on predominantly plant-based cuisine. However, she admits to having a weakness for citrus fruits.
We find out how important tradition, sustainability and the presence of women in the restaurant are to her.
Caterina, despite her young age, has participated in several initiatives, including those with Gambero Rosso, Barilla, Masterchef Magazine and in 2017 she won the award as best female chef for the Michelin Guide Italy.
Interiew by: Giuseppe Ruberto
Video by: Giuseppe Ruberto, Silvia Sinopoli, Chiara Colosimo, Angelo Catuogno
Video Editing by: Silvia Sinopoli
Document by: Chiara Colosimo
Subtitle ita/eng by: Silvia Sinopoli, Angelo Catuogno
Translation by: Angelo Catuogno, Silvia Sinopoli
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Realized: 26/04/2023