We deal with the various aspects of pizza with Antimo De Luca, more specifically, we focus on the concept of traditional pizza, understood as “neighborhood” pizza. moreover, we talk about his childhood memories, in pizzeria and not, based on pizza and “memory foods’’.
Interiew by: Marco Pesola, Ayrton CastelloVideo by: Ayrton Castello, Alba Covisa
Video Editing: Ayrton Castello, Marco Pesola, Alba Covisa
Document by: Marco Pesola
Subtitle ita/eng by: Ayrton Castello, Marco Pesola, Alba Covisa
Translation by: Marco Pesola, Alba Covisa
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Realized: 10/05/2022