Carmine Di Pizzo is 90 years old and has always lived in Cuccaro Vetere (Salerno), with the exception of his military service in the Cavalleria in Turin. By profession “farmer and unskilled worker”, he is the son of peasants and has always worked in his life, “since he was little”. Carmine pays great attention to his garden which he still takes care of personally today. On the other hand, he does not like breeding, which in fact entrusts to his son-in-law, the daughter’s husband.

Carmine eats according to the dictates of the Mediterranean Diet: many vegetables and legumes, extra virgin olive oil for dressing, pasta as a mantra and a few slices of salami or cheese, little meat. However, if asked if he knows the Mediterranean Diet, he replies that he is not interested in political issues.

Interview by: Antonio Puzzi and Rossella Galletti
Video by: Rossella Galletti and Antonio Puzzi. Editing by: Annalisa Rascato
Subtitles by: Antonio Puzzi and Rossella Galletti
Document by: Antonio Puzzi
Translate by: Antonio Puzzi
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Created: 13-07-2019
Carmine Di Pizzo

Carmine Di Pizzo

City: Cuccaro Vetere (SA)
Profession: Farmer
Language: Italian, cilentano dialect

Video table of contents

00.00– 01.23 Before we grew weath, today everyone wants a steady job
01.23 – 02.38 My working life
02.38 – 03.39 Ordinary feeding
03.39 – 04.50 Meat and sugar
04.50 – 06.06 Wine during ordinary feeding and during the Sunday lunch
06.06 – 07.19 In the country every day; pilgrimages as an holiday
07.19 – 07.39 “I never went to the sea”
07.39 – 08.51 Pasta, my favourite recipe
08.51 – 09.17 Mediterranean way
09.17 – 10.00 A secret for living well and for a long time: work!

Geographic information

Country: IT
Region: Campania
City: Cuccaro Vetera
District: SA
Altitude: 629 m. s.l.m.