Michelina Fischetti is chef of the starred restaurant “Oasis Sapori Antichi” of the Fischetti family which, in 2023, won the green star, a recognition that rewards active and cutting-edge restaurants in the field of sustainability. In the interview, chef Michelina Fischetti explains to us the importance of using ingredients in all their components, the philosophy of her cuisine and the importance of using vegetables.
Interiew by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
Video by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
Video Editing by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
Document by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
Subtitle ita/eng by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
Translation by: Maurizio Petito Saviano, Alberto Guida, Alessandro Del Prete, Gennaro Minichini
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Realized: 22/04/2024